This Sunday morning we were officially introduced to Covenant Life Church. Following announcements in both services, a slide show was played showing all of our families and where we were from and then we all lined up on stage - receiving the most humbling round of applause that brought many of us to tears. The reception we have received from this church body has been indescribable. Jeff Purswell spoke and gave some stats unique to our class and then Gary Ricucci prayed for us. Here is a list of some of the details of PC Class of 2010:
· 17 Students (16 married, 1 single)
· Students ages range from 23 to 40, with the average age being 32 y/o
· 36 children in the class ranging from 3 weeks to 15 years old
· 7 women currently pregnant (Formerly 8, one gave birth 3 weeks ago - that's 1/2 the class having PC babies!)
· 3 students born internationally
· 1 student being prepared to plant a Spanish speaking church in the Miami area
· More than half the students come from church staff positions - which is usually not the case
· 3 of the churches represent Sovereign Grace adopted churches - 1 from WA last year, ours from MN last month, and one in the process of adoption from MI