Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some video so u can see him in real life

Since most of you are far away from us, I thought i'd post a video. Just fun to see him in action rather than the still shots. Wish he would have done his fake yawn - with his huge mouth it's hilarious! But this is what you get :).

Oh, and these are from Dec, but still some of my fav's ... the last is Sophie, but I couldn't help myself, she is a riot!

Caly Boy is 1 and a half!

Hair, eyes, cheeks, smile, teeth, cries, attitude ... everything about this guy is big, lol! The kids have dubbed him, amongst other things, "Big Baby" (from Toy Story 3 - if you saw him walk and palm his bottle in one hand like an NBA player palms a basketball you'd know why, ha!). We love you big baby!

Cal's 1st trip to CA

So, as you can see, it has been 3 months since my last post. And the only explanation is that Mr. Cal has found his muscles and can pull himself up and onto anything and everything!! And he has such long arms too. He is constantly in drawers, pulling things off of counters, in the fridge, in the cupboard, on the table ... so it had been interesting to say the least :). Today he is 1 and a half too! So I guess it is fitting that I do an update from our trip that was in Feb to visit my fam. We had a fabulous time! And God was SO kind to work it out where my brother Derek was actually going to be in town from FL the very same week!! It had been 3 and a half years since I saw him last, and the same amount of time since all 5 of us kids were together (for Sophie's 1st bday), so it was a sweet time. Plus Cal got to meet his Auntie & Uncles and cousins for the 1st time.