Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm still here!!

So it has been quite the month it seems. Though looking back I honestly can't give you a list of specific things that have kept me from blogging. I guess I could give you three: Sophie, Chason & Calvin :). I feel like this mom of 3 ages 3 and under has finally caught up to me. I am feeling my to do list piling up with no hope of ever catching up ... will those baskets of laundry EVER get put away into the drawers? Will the toy explosion ever get cleaned up in the basement? Will I ever catch up with my blogging again?? Though I did hear something this weekend that gave me hope. "Only God gets his to-do list done." (A quote from CJ Mahaney). CHRIST lived the perfect life because I couldn't!

Do you think that means his clothes never sat in laundry baskets like mine? ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha i totally hear you only i have no excuse i don't have 3 kids to keep after-but i do have a husband and an at home business that is keeping me on my toes.

    have fun on your trip to MN :)
