Baby boy @ 19 wks 3 days - who is now so big at 37 wks they couldn't even
get a face shot of him - the nurse said "yep, he's cooked" lol!
We got into the sonogram room and I hopped up on the table, expecting to see hands and feet and a cute squished face as we did 17 weeks prior... The technician measured his head and the next thing she came across was his belly. She measured it, and then measured it again. Checked her charts and measured him again. Nate asked if there was something concerning, and she said "well, see that 'OOR' right there? That means 'out of range' basically his stomach is measuring larger than 41 weeks." I looked at Nate and just laughed. She tried a couple more angles and still 'OOR'. His head was also so far down and pressed into my pelvis that she couldn't even get a picture of his face "Yup, he's cooked" is what she said.
So we walked into the exam room and waited to see Dr. Apgar. Jen his nurse came in to take vitals and told us that he is a big boy and as of now is measuring 9 lbs!! She said at this point in the pregnancy, you can give or take a pound with that estimation - I'm thinking, OK, so he's 8 lbs OR he's 10, HA! Dr Apgar said that they really don't have concerns, my glucose levels are exemplary and there is no possibility of gestational diabetes. So basically we're gonna let nature take it's course (well, God and HIS sovereignty is what WE are trusting in). I also found out I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced (thinned out) already.
This answers my questions in regards to the 6 additional stretch marks I have recently discovered and the fact that I am waking up at least once an hour, if not twice, at night to use the restroom - I have a mini-sumo wrestler pressed against my bladder!
(I'll be going in next Thurs and they are gonna do another ultra sound to check this guy out and see how he's doing then too, so I will keep everyone posted. CRAZY!)
So for sure this lil' guy will NOT fit into NB clothes...LOL!
ReplyDelete"Dr. Apgar"..???? Are you serious? again LOL!!!
I would hope you are 2cm/50% at 37 weeks with your 3rd baby..., sounds like you've got some pelvic pressure, too, which is good..., nothing like a little pressure to open things up :)
Oh, what a great time this truly is. I'm sad we're not able to "see" you during it.
Been thinking about you and praying for you this week. Hope you have a good visit w/ your Dad. Love you! Angela