If you follow our blog, you may have heard us mention the Dufrin family or Sandy or Moriah. They have become very dear friends of ours since we have moved here to Maryland. Phil and Sandy live directly across the street from us and have 6 children. They came from Michigan where Phil left behind a very successful career as well as their family farm to pursue Pastor's College. We have learned so much just by witnessing their lives, the way they care for and parent their children, the way they love each other and the way they have cared for others, including our family (Moriah, their oldest daughter, serves us by watching the kids on Saturday nights for date nights and Sandy had even been keeping Calvin for us so we could be totally child free those evenings!).
This coming Monday, Feb 8th, will mark 6 years since their little daughter Hannah went to be with Jesus. I wanted to plug the book that Sandy wrote in regards to this because I have been deeply affected by it. Theirs is a powerful testimony and account of God's sovereignty in the midst of suffering and how God's grace abounds to those grieving the loss of a child. What a gift this family is to us, and what a gift and means of grace this book has been to even people who haven't lost a child. Dufrin's, you guys amaze us and make us glorify God!
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