These pictures are random since I STILL don't have the hang of posting pictures on the blog and moving them around without loosing them ...
So because Nate graduates on Sophie's birthday and it's our farewell morning at Covenant Life Church, we decided to have a birthday day for her today. We started off with donuts. Then we dropped off the boys and she and I headed out on a shopping extravaganza! It was a blast! We tried on lots of clothes, went into fun accessory stores, played at the park in the mall, ate McDonalds for lunch, got candy out of the candy machines and played the quarter games in the food court - and even won a plastic dinosaur (which she is sleeping with at this moment). Then we came home and had pizza for dinner and cupcakes that she picked out for dessert. After that she headed out with daddy for some time at the park.
What a special, special girl she is. It is tremendous the changes that have taken place in her even from age 3 to 4. We stopped for a potty break before we headed out of the mall and as we were exiting a woman saw us and said "ohhh, she reminds me of my daughter when she was that age ... now she's 13 and doesn't like me very much." That made my heart so sad. Lord by your grace, let each year bring more affection and fondness in my daughters heart for me, and I for her. Most of all, let that affection and fondness be rooted and overflowing from a deep affection and love for your son Jesus.

happy birthday sophie! thank you for bringing your family such joy. i love you and will miss you SO much!
Thanks Ellie! And thanks for loving and serving our family so selflessly this year. We love you and will miss you!