Sophie's in Kindergarten - 1st year of Homeschooling!
I can't believe that my baby girl is in school! And I can't believe that I am her teacher! People ask how homeschooling is going and I always reply "so much better than I could have ever imagined it!" And it's true. Sophie is thriving and enjoying the one on one time with me (well, sometimes we are accompanied by Chason because he isn't taking his afternoon naps very frequently anymore, but he is usually quietly at the table working on his own 'school') and I have to say that that has been the most rewarding and enjoyable part for me too! I feel like these times with her this year are gonna serve as some "glue" for our relationship down the road. She is such a great independent player, that with all the the boys demands I can easily neglect focused time with her. So this is a perfect fit for us this year! Here are some pics from her "1st day" and the evolution of our school area.
This a blog following our family life during our time in Gaithersburg, MD while we are going to the Sovereign Grace Pastor's College. Thanks for reading, responding, and praying for us.
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