Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The PERFECT "Mommy, Thank You" Saturday ...

When I came downstairs to get Chason his 5am bottle on Saturday, there were lights strung above our fireplace and a colorful handwritten banner saying "Thank You!!!". I thought, how sweet is Nate. He knew that I was having a really rough week with the kids, what a thoughtful thing for him to do. Coincidently, I also had my PC Ladies Christmas Tea that morning, and he volunteered to keep Calvin for me along with the other two kids so I could have some mommy time to myself - awesome. So i'm getting ready for the tea and he tells me that it is "Mommy, Thank You Day" and that when I get home from the tea, I am also free to go out for a couple of hours and do whatever I wanted - kid free!(Granted I had to make sure I pumped enough milk for the baby). Then he ran out and came back with flowers and my favorite drink from Starbucks. (Note: Saturday's are usually a school day for Nate, he studies at the PC and tests out for that week, so he was sacrificing that to serve me that whole day).

The tea was AMAZING! I am in awe of how much I love each of these ladies so much already and it's only been 4 mos! (I don't say that lightly. I feel like just yesterday I was crying b/c I had to leave MN, now just the thought of having to part ways with my new friends brings me to tears). We were spoiled as usual, and even got letters from some dear friends at home to top off the morning.

Then I walked around the mall, got my haircut - I had to explain to Nate that getting my haircut was not an "errand", but ladies actually enjoy getting that done, lol - and concluded the evening off with a wonderful date night with my hubby and a delicious dinner at Maggiano's (thanks Legans!).

It was the perfect day and I felt refreshed and ready to face another week of mommy 24/7. Reminded that in this "season" of my life, I AM fulfilling my purpose by just caring for my children and husband. When all I have done in a day is feed kids and change diapers, correct and correct and correct my toddlers (LOL!) and attempt to provide a decent meal of frozen pizza for my husband when he gets home, the Lord is pleased. No matter if the laundry basket is overflowing and there is a toy explosion in the living room. I am fulfilling my God given role as a mom and wife - thanks Nate for affirming me in this and being sensitive to remind me of it when I need it, I love you!

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