Oh my Chasey boy, my joy ... at times my heart attack, but still my joy, lol! This guy is something else. Chason is gonna be 2 in just 1 month and I have to say he is at my FAVORITE age right now. He is so much fun, always running around and climbing and jumping off of something - you can probably see the bruises on his forehead in the picture - he has a head of steel! Nate just took the clippers to his hair for the 1st time and now there is not a curl to be seen :(. He looks so much bigger with the cut, but I really like it. He is talking so much now, it seems like every day he is putting another 3 word phrase together, and he is totally into cars. Today he refused to wear any shirt that did not have a car on it. And this weekend we had a BBQ at our house, so kids were running in and out and the doors were left open. I walked into the living room and looked out the front window ... there was Chason ON TOP of our Pacifica pointing to the sky saying "look, birds!" I ran outside and at the same time, Helen my neighbor was running down the street to come and save him too. Scared both of us, but when I grabbed him down he was looking at us like, what's wrong with you guys?? I could go on, my little man keeps me very busy, but gives me many stories to share with friends :).
Here is the shot I took running to get him off the car ...
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