I think that this picture says it all! She is quite the character - picking up all of the typical girly hand gestures, head shaking side to side when she talks, finger on her cheek when she's thinking with her eyes looking up to the side, toe tapping, funny little phrases etc. She is well aware that she is turning 4 on June 6th - and lets everyone know it. It's funny cause she was telling someone "Mommy's birthday is coming and Chasey's birthday is next" ... I thought she was being so thoughtful thinking of us, but realized the only reason she was sharing this was because it led up to "and THENNN it will be MYYY birthday!!" Haha! But she really is growing in servanthood and has such a big heart for others.
Her new big thing is keeping the play room picked up for me, and she is always getting after Chason for making a mess after she has just cleaned ... hmm, where did she get that from?? And anytime anyone says they are hurt or not feeling well she immediately offers to pray for them, and does it on the spot. I am constantly amazed at the spiritual things that she comprehends, or is attempting to comprehend in her little mind. Calvin was lying on the floor fussing the other day and she says in her baby talk voice to him, "Don't be sad Calvie, God is with you. He is everywhere, God is with you!" thinking that that would be consoling to him. :). And in prayers that she says or conversations that we have with her you can see some articulation of the gospel starting to peek through.
She has challenged us this year with all of the struggles she has had adjusting to the move and everything else that has come along with this year at PC. In our flesh, it is so easy to focus on all of the headaches and setbacks, all of the times she has disobeyed or needed correction. But when we reflect on the evidences of God's grace at work in her, we are more in awe of God and his faithfulness - he is at work in our little girl's heart!
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